Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Day 16

I got seven hours of sleep and did not randomly wake up at all. Its has been a few days since I have had disturbances in my sleep and that's a great thing! However, when I did wake up, it was painful to get up. I just did not want to get out of bed, I wanted to stay in my warm bed and sleep all day. But I should be thankful I even have a job to wake up too, so I got up and got ready.

I took my pill with breakfast and left for work. I was actually much more productive at work and didn't find myself looking at the clock every ten minutes. I enjoy what I am currently doing more than what I have been doing the last couple months, so that is probably a big impact, especially since I am debating leaving this company.

I drove to my parents and ate dinner with them and came home. I watched some tv with my roommate and am now about to go to bed.

Because my biggest problem recently has been energy / motivation I am going to include at the end of every post what I ate that day. Maybe someone will notice something completey missing from my diet. Today isn't the healthiest example, but I will continue to do this until I am confident diet has nothing to do with my energy. When I start exercising, I will start including that in my list too.

Breakfast: two eggs, whole wheat english muffin, cup of hot chocolate
Lunch: ham + cheese whole wheat bread, apple, pretzels, + cherry coke
Dinner: two slices of pizza
snacks at Work: banana, two clementimes, Naturals valley bar, and apple sauce
Exercise: None


  1. Hi David,

    I was on Lexapro for about 9mths. I never had any trouble sleeping which is the ultimate reason I asked my doctor to change me to something else just yesterday.

    I switched to Cymbalta, which I hope works better for me, because I also experienced a severe sense of lethargy and lack of motivation. If I could I'd stay home watching T.V, all day, every day and napping. Lexapro made me less anxious and depressed alright, but it worked so well it turned me into a couch zombie!!

    I will admit that the side effects you talk about do wear off after about 2 to 3 weeks,(or they did for me) so hang in there. It might work for you. I hope so anyway.

  2. David, this might be worth a shot...so here goes. About your lack of energy, I don't know if it's the depression or maybe you might have some hormone or metabolic/electrolyte/sugar/chemical imbalance. I know the chemical imbalance in the brain can be responsible for the depression. So... maybe you should have your testosterone, thyroid, glucose, and cortisol checked out..... These are all checked with a simple blood draw. Again, just a thought. Let me know what you think.....
    Also has the Lexapro made you dizzy or trippy about a couple of hours after you take it??? I know it does me and I've been on it for 2 weeks now.

  3. This is a response to Todd: I just started Lexapro 3 days ago. I feel totally dizzy and trippy a couple of hours after I take it. I'm experiencing it right now! That's why I'm checking out this blog. It feels sorta like I took an antihistamine.

    David: You might want to think about sugar intake and energy level. It looks like you drink a lot of sugar, at least on day 16. My friend was having a lot of problems with mood and energy level. She tried to slow down on the sugar, and it has helped tremendously.

    Did anyone notice lessened anxiety within a few days of taking it? I'm noticing it, but I'm not sure if I'm imagining it.

  4. Thanks for all the tips.

    Jenna: I plan on riding the side effects for 8 weeks. I think I am lucky because I have read people have much worse side effects.

    Todd: My first three or four days were like a blur. Trippy / dizzy is a good way to describe it. I really compare it to a bad marijuana high - not enjoyable, anxious, and just felt like I was outside myself and couldnt wait for to come back down. My dreams were weird and I would wake up constantly at night. I switched to taking my dose in the morning and i started getting better sleep and my energy has slowly gotten better.

    Also, I had a physical about three weeks ago where they drew my blood and did those test. My mother has a thyroid problem, so I did mention that. I am assuming that my doctor did the other tests, but I may have to get more active and find out which tests they actually did.

    Terri: I did drink alot of sugar that day. I stopped drinking coffee and tea, so I switched to hot chocolate. I have also started having a soda with lunch because I feel like it gives me more energy. Lastly, I realized I have been snacking on my roommates candy recently. Maybe I have been eating too much sugar, however, this is a new change in diet. I use to drink tea and I would never drink soda. I would occasionally have candy. My energy levels dropped way before I started this. However, I believe you are right. I have a banging headache right now and maybe its because I had so much sugar this evening and haven't really noticed it because I feel so good when snacking.

    As for the anxiety. Today was the first day I was anxious in a while. My anxiety levels have dropped and I have not had a panic attack since starting lexapro where I had a few late january.

    Good luck and I hope any of my experiences help you.
