Saturday, March 7, 2009

Day 19 + 20

Thursday night and Friday night I slept fine; sleep has become a problem of the past and I hope it stays like that.

Friday was a slow day at work. I am still waking up exhausted in the mornings, and I was slow to get to work, but once there I feel more normal than I did before I started lexapro. I had a phone meeting which I was not anxious about at all. It was almost to the point where I didn't care and did not thing to prepare for this meeting. Maybe it was because its Friday, but there was a lack of motivation or caring at work.

That night I decided not to go out. With this beautiful weather, I thought I would try and go running, but I still can't manage to get myself to do that.

I had an old friend come over and hang out. I decided to try having a beer to see how my stomach would handle it. It took me awhile to drink one beer, but I was able to hold it down. However, I became really tired after wards, but it was almost 12 30 am, so I guess that could be normal.

Saturday I was suppose to wake up a little earlier and spend some time with my family. I slept in and when my father called to see if I wanted a ride to meet up with them, I decided I was too tired to go. They understand that I am trying to get healthier / mentally better, so they didn't get mad. It was just still disappointing to me that I was so exhausted that I would rather sleep in than spend sometime with them.

That after noon, I forced my self to get out of the house and I met a friend for lunch. I walked around the city with her, which was relaxing and came home.

Tonight I tried drinking a little wine, and my stomach feels fine. I have never been a wine drinking, but I am beginning to experiment to see how my stomach reacts to different liquids. I feel fine, not full, but I am not drinking to get drunk. Next week, I may drink a more to see how I would really react if I were to get drunk.

I am about to go to bed. My ear has begun to ring again, but my head does not hurt. I have noticed in the last couple of days that the more tired I am, the more my ears ring / slightly hurt. I say slightly, because its a sudden sharp pain but immediately goes away.

Breakfast: english muffin, two eggs
Lunch: Tofu soup, green tea
Dinner: Penne Pasta, Asparagus, Broccoli
Snack: Apple, banana, one clementine, natural valleys, apple sauce, some peanut m&ms, soda

Breakfast: Oatmeal, banana
Lunch: Turkey, ham, swiss sandwich on wheat
Dinner: Chicken, Top roman, ham and cheese sandwich

**Remember to turn your clocks ahead an hour!!!!


  1. Your tiredness/lack of energy sounds about the same as mine. I have told my doctor about it and he then increases my dosage.

  2. Hi David,

    I am going to start n lexapro and ur blog is very helpful to just have an idea about the side effects. Many thanks.

    Just wanted to know about insomnia as side effect. my main problem for which I am going on lexapro is my anxiety about sleep.So obviously if insomnia is a side effect or for the matter disturbed sleep patterns, then am wondering about why I should be taking the drug at all. When I asked my doctor, she just said that the side effect goes away and asked me to take it in the morning. I am worked up about it though:(


  3. I took my pill in the evening, the first few days. This really messed up my sleep (weird dreams, waking up many times). I switched to taking the pill in the morning, and within 48 hours, these sleep problems stopped.

    Good luck!

  4. I had sleep problems, meaning I would wake up and have a hard time getting back to sleep numerous times during the night, the first few nights. Since then, I have slept like a baby. In fact, I've been sleeping harder than usual.

  5. Hey this is Anna...I've had really bad sleeping patterns, actually while I'm writing this, I haven't been to sleep in over 24 hours. I always had problems with insomnia, but I don't know if lexapro made it worse. I've been taking my pill at around 4:30pm for awhile now, so maybe that has something to do with it. When I finally do go to sleep...I never want to get up. Lately, I've been staying up until 8 or 9am and I will sleep until 4:30pm or 5:30pm, it's horrible. I think I should switch to taking the meds in the morning.

    Glad your doing good David! I never got the ringing of the ears side effect. It is getting warmer weather...hope you can get the motivation to run, but you walked around town, so thats probably the best way to start. Just walking, then fast paced walking, jogging, then sprinting;) I haven't had the desire to drink. It actually makes my stomach hurt thinking about it. At least you got 1 beer and some wine down...let us all know what happens when you try more. Besides having no head is clear and I'm feeling good for the first time. The headache side effect went away too.
    Happy Spring!
