Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Day 24

I woke up briefly twice last night. I do not think this was from lexapro and am chalking it up as just a bad nights rest. I ate, took my pill, and when to my weekly Wednesday morning therapy.

I do not know if the therapy is helping yet. Maybe because its early in the morning, but I am not gaining too much. I have only had three sessions, but it still cost 160 a session and that is adding up. To her benefit, she has given me some tips about going to the gym and positive self talking, but its still easier said than done. She told me anytime I feel anxious, tired, nervous, sick, or am worrying, to tell myself "This is normal... its ok to be tired...etc". I don't know, i will try but I just do not know how much that will help.

I was exhausted during my therapy and my first few hours of work. I felt better after lunch. I have felt better every day after lunch, but I do not think it has anything to do with what I am eating. I socialize with my co workers at lunch, which I think gives me energy. I do have soda (containing caffeine) but I have green tea in the morning. I also had a soda around 4 today when I got tired and this did not help my energy at all. I left by 5 30!

I ate dinner with my family and was not too tired this evening. Driving home was a breeze; I am no longer too anxious behind the wheel unless I am really tired. The drive some what relaxes me in the evening, nice weather, relaxing radio, no traffic, etc.

I am going to get more sleep tonight (hopefully) and we will see how i feel in the morning.

Breakfast: one egg, whole wheat bagel, green tea
Lunch: ham and cheese on wheat apple, soda
Dinner: penne pasta, chicken, brocolli
Snack: some M&Ms, 2 Natural Valley bars, banana
Exercise: none

1 comment:

  1. Hi David, I stumbled across your blog, and I thought you might appreciate reading an article I wrote a few days ago. It discusses how Lexapro is basically the same thing as generic citalopram, which can be purchased for $4.00 or less each month at many pharmacies.

    Jacob Milbradt, PharmD
