Monday, March 2, 2009

Two week progress - Thanks for emails and tips

I started Lexapro two weeks ago today (Monday). For me and so far, I believe the positive benefits have out weighed the negative. With that said, I have learned that for me:
  • I must take the pill with food to help prevent nausea
  • taking the pill at night messes with my sleep (messed up dreams, randomly waking up, etc)
  • always have my xanax with me, because I have had to randomly take it
Things I hope will get better:
  • I want to be able to enjoy alcohol / caffeine again
  • I want an increase in energy and a consistent amount of energy during the day
  • I want to gain back my old motivation to do more both socially and for work
Thank you for all your comments and emails. Especially the emails, they have become a great support system for me. The experiences some people have shared make me realize there are plenty of people taking this drug and experiencing the same exact thing I am going through so this is all normal. Even better are the ideas to deal with some of these problems.

Please feel free to email me anything at anytime. I am no doctor and far from an expert, but I have found that discussing / emailing people going through the same thing as I am has been beneficial.


  1. David, I, like you started on Lexapro 2 weeks ago. As a matter of fact it has been 2 weeks today (Tues). I came across your blog Sun night and read all of it. I get the same symptoms as you for the most part while being on this drug. It seems to have increased my anxiety as I started, but we'll have to see in a few weeks if that subsides. I've read that sides will go away after 2-4 weeks... Keep up the good work!

  2. Thanks Todd, and good luck to you. I am giving this drug 6 - 8 weeks before I decide if its right for me. I hope by 4 - 6 weeks most of the side effects are gone, but I think I have been lucky so far compared to some side effects people get.
