Thursday, March 5, 2009

Day 18

So last night I took the Tylenol for my head ache and it worked much better than the ibuprofen.

I slept fine, but again I woke up exhausted. I had a slight headache, but that was gone by the time I left for work. I was very groggy and slow moving. I usually get to work around 9 30, today I did not leave for work until 9 40ish. Once at work though, I had a good amount of energy. In fact, I was not tired at all today, starting around noon. I didn't feel crazy energetic, but I didn't feel like I could fall asleep as anytime.

I am not going to do anything about this lack of energy until I see my psychiatrist again mid March. However, if my headache returns I will be going back to my doctor.

I want to start to re introduce somethings into my diet. I am going to start with tea, then caffeinated tea, then coffee. I also will experiment with alcohol again. Lastly, I want to start going to the gym again, which I will start this weekend. Yesterday my psychologist thinks I have these negative embedded pairings in my head that I need to break. First is that I always think I will get sick at the gym, so now when I go to the gym I always nauseous. She said I now pair the gym with nausea. She said the same could possibly be with alcohol and caffeine. I need to slowly try to break these pairings.

Breakfast: two eggs, whole wheat english muffin
Lunch: Subway melt sub (Ham, turkey, cheese, whole wheat bread), apple, soda
Diner: Penne Pasta, Caffeine free tea
Snacks: Natural's Valley Bar, 2-3 Clementines, Banana, apple sauce
Exercise: None

***As you probably noticed, I eat mostly the same foods. I do change it up occasionally with rice instead of pasta, oatmeal instead of eggs, steak, chicken, etc...but I eat mostly the same things.


  1. Your doctor's okay with you drinking alcohol while taking this? Mine didn't say anything, but I was reading on the note from the pharmacist that you're not supposed to. That's actually been one of the hardest things for me, because I was drinking to numb out my feelings, and now, I'm not drinking because of the meds.

    My headache is almost gone now. I think it was hormonal. But I'm still very tired. I slept for 11 hours last night and I still had a hard time waking up this morning. My therapist said that that's one of the complaints of people on this kind of drug.

  2. My Doctor said NOT to drink while on this drug. I personally want to drink a little (everything in moderation), so I am going to start introducing a little.

    I have spoke to people who drink while on this drug, but my doctor said the drug will not be as effective and it may take longer for me to get the full benefits.

  3. I drink a bit even though I'm taking Lexapro. I probably wouldn't recommend it if yr strictly trying to get better, but if alcohol is used in moderation socially, it doesn't really do too much harm. The main reason most therapists warn against it (other than perhaps increased motor impairment) is that alcohol is a depressant.I imagine if you're depressed, that won't do too much to perk you up. Also, although it may allay anxiety briefly, it actually can increase it the day after. My view is that having a few drinks with friends will probably make me feel better than sitting at home, but having an awful hangover the next day is likely to throw me off the recovery track.
