Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Day 4

I am sleeping fine, but I keep waking up naturally around 7 am ish. I don't know if one of my roommates is accidentally waking me up or what, but I am waking up. I fall back to sleep, but only to wake up between 8 and 830.

My morning energy is higher than it was a week ago. I don't know if its the lack of lexapro bringing me down or the prozac raising my energy, or a combination of both. Its only been four days, and I am having no side effects from the switch from lexapro to prozac and my energy levels are higher. Today I left my house at 8 30 am and did not get home from work utnil 8 30 pm. I didn't become tired until around 7 30ish and thats because I was getting hungry.

So I don't know if its the lack of lex or the active effects of prozac, but so far I am having a better experience with prozac. I hope this continues.


  1. David, it must be the Lexapro making you tired. It kinda made me tired too. I took the citalopram last night and I didn't sleep very good either. this it the first time I took an SSRI at night time. All the Lexapros were taken in the morning. So far so good. We will see today how I feel. And the next few days. The Prozac must be working good for you...

  2. Lexapro was making me pretty tired for a while too. After about 2 or 3 months w/ 3 weeks @ 20 mg, the tiredness suddenly faded (this week actually). It was like a fever breaking, and now I feel pretty great-- like my old self. I think the medicine needs some time to work, but the road to get there can be long. My anxiety was gone long before my depression faded, but I hear that it can be the other way around for some people. I feel that the anxiety going away helped me deal with other issues so that my depression could get better. Just a thought...

  3. The Doctor said, and I agree with her, the Lexapro clearly helped my anxiety. I have not had a panic attack in awhile. As for depression, well I am still working on it.

    The reason she took me off the lexapro was because of the ringing in my ear. She said that the lexapro could have still helped me with time, but she was really concerned about the ringing; hence the switch.
