Friday, March 13, 2009

Day 25 + 26

I have been fighting a fever, so I cannot make a fair judgment on what is causing what effects.

With that said, my journey with lexapro is over. I met with my MD today and she does not think Lexapro is the right SSRI for me. She is is worried about the ear ringing and she said I am really sensitive to some of the side effects, especially the one causing me to be so tired and have extreme exhaustion. She said, and I agree, its is fair to say, Lexapro has really helped with my anxiety. During the past four weeks I have not exprienced any panic attacks and only a few times I needed to take a Xanax. However, it has done nothing for my depression and being tired and unmotivated is just getting me more down.

I have been switched to Prozac. Another drug I know absolutly nothing about, but I will do a little research on it. She said it is an older SSRI and there is more information about it online. I am doing whatever she says, because I want to get better. This may not be a good trait, but I am not one to question my doctor. I do what I am told and hope for the best. I do ask questions about their diagnois but I never will say, "no I dont want to do that....etc".

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