Friday, March 13, 2009

Switch From Lexapro to Prozac

If you read my last post, my doctor switched me from lexapro to prozac. She made the decision because she did not like the ringing in my ear and she believes that Prozac will better treat my depression as well as give me more energy.

With that said, tomorrow morning I am going to do some brief internet research to get familiar with Prozac. Posting my day to day experiences has helped me tremendously and I hope this has been beneficial for others as well. I can seriously say, I have received many helpful emails and appreciate all the help and advice.

I created this blog because I was scared of Lexapro because of the overwhelmingly negative reviews online. Again, I am glad I did because talking to other people going through the same thing has truly helped. Because of that, I plan on continuing my postings for now.

Thanks Again,



  1. I hope you do continue the blog. It has been helpful to me to follow along, and to have other people to talk with about my lexapro stuff.

    Good luck to you!

  2. I agree. Please do continue the blog. From what I hear, Prozac is supposed to be more activating than other SSRIs and Lexapro is supposed to be neutral with regards to activation. I don't know if I'm totally satisfied with Lexapro either, although I did start seeing very noticeable benefits after 2 weeks at 20 mg. I'm still pretty sleepy on the stuff. Not everyone sees a full remission of depression with a particular antidepressant. I am hoping that cognitive therapy and some lifestyle changes will get me the rest of the way there.

    Best of Luck!

  3. I hope you continue the blog also. I really hope the prozac helps. My doctor wanted to put me on prozac before I started the lexapro, but unlike you I don't do what my doc. says(all the time) I told him there is NO WAY I'm taking prozac. I had been on prozac for a very brief time in my teens when I was in high school, I was really to young to be on prozac. I had a lot of bad side effects(it made me crazy). There is a list of about 4 SSRI's I told my doctor I won't take....because I know myself better than my doctor.
    I'm still on lexapro, I have my doctors appt. coming up so we'll see....
    I'm still depressed and unmotivated(although I'm happy about buying my motorcycle MON) has helped with the anxiety somewhat. I'm less interested in sex though. I will see....
    I hope the best for you and your PROZAC journey. I'll still be checkin up with how you are doing. thank you for creating this blog. I'll probably recommend it to someone that just started lexapro...and she can still follow your journey up to day 24.
    Good luck & keep us posted David! -Anna

  4. Hi David, This sounds like a good change. You were on the Lexapro long enough that it should have helped you more. It's sounds like this is a good next try... You are brave and fighting hard. I admire your determination. Keep going! You will get there!! Pam :-)

  5. Thanks you guys. You all have continuously participated in this blog and it has truly helped.

    Anna, my sex drive has really lowered but did not completely disappear. I was told this may continue with the prozac, but my main concern is feeling better. How long did you ride prozac out for? I was really scared of the lexapro, hence this blog and my research, but Prozac I have not had the time to look it up yet.

  6. Hi David. Welcome to the journey I am also on....I have been on lexapro for a few months, but feel very lethargic and have NO sex drive. On a positive note, it has stopped the panic attacks that I dread more than anything. Today I am starting prozac. I am very curious to know how you found the switch! I have incidently on effexor prior to lexapro but found effexor not that effective (excuse the slight pun). They are all SSRI so it will be interesting to see how each one works. I will let you know how I do in a few weeks. I have read that prozac helps with OCD/ adult ADHD, as well as depression/anxiety PLUS the bonus of not increasing my appetite to eat.

  7. I am switching from lexapro to prozac myself. Been tapering off lexapro for a year and down to 4 mgs.

  8. i switched from lexapro to prozac for general anxiety disorder. I was on lexapro for 4 years and was taking 10mg every other day. It worked well but I had put on some weight and the pills were expensive (in this economy). I asked my doctor about prozac and started taking 10mg of prozac. After 3 weeks the symptoms of anxiety are still present. I am switching back to lexapro tomorrow. I can control my weight just need to focus harder.

  9. I am currently taking 20mg of Lexapro for the past year. My Psych Doc. wants to switch me to Prozac 10mg so I'm currently taking both everyday to wene me off of Lexapro. I heard this is dangerous? But you want to believe your Doctor at the same time?? What to do?? Lexapro should be taking at night time because it's peak is at 14 hours. Plus, it makes you tired throughout the day. So, i'm taking Lexapro at night now 20mg for 1 week, then 15mg the 2nd week, then 10mg the 3rd week, then 5mg the last week. Hope this works!!

  10. Thanks for starting this blog. I took Prozac (and a generic) for many years with no noticeable negative side effects. Then about a year ago I switched to Lexapro because my therapist suggested it might help me lose weight. It didn't, and for about 11 months I was neutral about it — didn't notice much impact one way or the other. Over the past month, though, I have been feeling sometimes jittery, sometimes panicky, sometimes suicidal. I have drymouth and headaches and bouts of fatigue. I constantly have to fight an urge to curl up in a ball and drop to the ground wherever I am — in my house, in my office, in the supermarket. I am literally terrified all of the time. Sleep is difficult. Normal problems seem as big as mountains, and they obsess me. I started doing a countdown on my calendar, 10 days to live, then 9, then 8. It made me feel better, not worse, to fantasize that this would all come to an end soon. Then this morning, at a really low point, I realized that these all felt like medication problems, so I phoned my doctor and asked to be put back on Prozac. I am very hopeful.

  11. I had been on Prozac for quite some time. Stopped taking it gradually per my doctor's agreement to let me try life without SSRI's. Well, it was good at first, then things got rough. Looks like I am one of those folks who might need SSRI's for lifetime.
    I went on Lexapro, 10 mg. per day, and upped it to 20mg per day, and gained quite a bit of weight. Switched back to Prozac about 10 days ago because I felt after 4 months that Lexapro wasn't quite doing the trick. My appetite has greatly decreased since I'm back on Prozac (40mg.). Lost some weight too.
    I still don't know which of these works for me. I sure hope the Prozac does the trick.

  12. I have been taking Lexapro 10 mg for about three years, then my mother passed, and many other crazy things in life twisted my head up. Well, being a college student at night/father/husband/full-time worker, I had to figure something out very quickly. My doctor upped it to 20 mg. Ive been taking that for two years, and in the past few months I have felt more and more minor anxiety attacks, and severe depression from who the hell knows world. I have been on Lexapro for so long, and yes, I still have depression/anxiety, but it's not as bad, so I deal with it the best way I can everyday. I'm going to see my Psych tomorrow, and I'm thinking about switching to Prozac, but I'm uneasy about doing this since I have been level on Lexapro, but like I said it's hard to tell. I have forgotten what I used to feel like, it's pretty sad. So, I try to imagine myself on no meds now..ummm? Yeah, I don't think so, so wish me good luck, and I will post a reply after things get figured out.

  13. My doctor put me on lexapro for anxiety, well I think it is anger I fly off the handle so easily but after being on the lexapro for a few years now it is controllable. I can not afford to take it anymore so asked my dr. to switch me to prozac. I just started it yesterday without weaning off the lexapro, I hope this is ok to do, Dr. did not say anything about it. So far not feeling so great on it, feel on edge, i know it takes time to work so hopeing I see improvement soon.

  14. I took lexapro for about ten years. Worked fine, aside from the weight gain. Like many others, couldn't afford it anymore and switched to Prozac . Now feeling edgy and jittery all the time. Only been taking the Prozac for about a week. Do these symptoms get abate over time ?

  15. Hi. I have a question. I have been on 10 mg of lexapro for about 7 weeks now. The first month i noticed a positive change and had virtually no side effects. After 5 weeks i started getting some bad side effects; i.e. weird dreams, more anxious, feeling of being in a fog, tired and no energy. My dr has switched me to 20 mg of Prozac. I have taken Prozac on and off for over 20 years and had a positive experience with it and never really had any side effects. My question is when switching from one SSRI to another; ie lexapro to prozac did anyone have to wean off of one to start another or did you just start the new presciptions immediately. I am a bit anxious and would like to hear what people have to say.

  16. I have gone back and forth from prozac to lexapro for a few years now. For cost reasons, my doctor currently switched me back to Prozac 40mg. Usually, whenever I'm on lexapro I always gain weight, but on Prozac I loose weight. So, I am looking forward to loosing a few pound from being on lexapro. I just stopped taking the lexapro and started on the Prozac. I forgot to ask my doctor if this is what I should do. its day 3 and I get dizzy and unbalanced feeling sometimes. Not sure if its from the medication or what, but I hate the feeling.

  17. I've been taking lexapro for early four months now then abruptly change to prozac, with my shrink's consent ofcourse, but I'm having sudden anxiety attacks. Not sure if it's because of the sudden change or just the inevitable withdrawal effects of prozac.

  18. I was on lexapro 10 Mg and then 20 mgfor three years, gained 20 pounds and felt very tired and sleepy all the time. Swithced to prozac and feel less hungry in only a few weeks but there is some anxiety.

  19. I was only on lexapro for a month it actually made things worse I just went right back to prozac no tapering off the lexapro hope I will be ok

  20. This is such a great resource that you are providing and you give it away for free. I love seeing blog that understand the value. Im glad to have found this post as its such an interesting one! I am always on the lookout for quality posts and articles so i suppose im lucky to have found this! I hope you will be adding more in the future...
