Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Day 17

Last night I got between 6 and 7 hours of sleep. Today is my second day with my new psychologist, who I go to before work every Wednesday.

I woke up feeling really tired. I took my pill with breakfast and headed to the doctors. When I got there, I was exhausted. During my session I felt like I could fall asleep at any moment. I also felt dehydrated, but I do not know where that came from.

I left and went straight to work. Earlier I was still really really tired, but I was able to focus a little bit on work. Again, and i am able to really notice it now, I have more energy when I am focusing on something but when I loose focus I crash. Its like, if I am not 100% stimulated by what I am doing, my energy is drained.

I was feeling better good in the afternoon. I began to get a headache around 2 or 3. I noticed it at first when I coughed. The pain went away, but every time I coughed it hurt like hell. This eventually went away.

I came home and had a large amount of energy. I didn't go to the gym, but I got stuff I wanted to get done here at home. I ate dinner and watched a movie.

During the movie, my headache started to come back. I do not know if its related with the lexapro, but the front right back to my right ear is in pain. If I wake up tomorrow with this, I am going to the doctor. This is the second time since I started lexapro where I have experienced a bad headache. Last time I tried Ibuprofen and it did nothing. I ended up taking a Xanax that night to fall asleep. This time I am trying Tylenol.

Breakfast: Oatmeal, whole wheat english muffin
Lunch: Ham and cheese, whole wheat bread, apple, can of cherry coke zero
Dinner: Spagetti, sausage, brocolli, esparagus, hot chocolate
Snack: Naturals valley bar, 2-4 clementimes, one banana, two cups of apple sauce, handful of hot tamales
Exercise: None


  1. I'm so glad you're doing this blog!

    I have had a headache since the 2nd day that I started it. I'm on day 4 now. I'm not sure if it's related or not, since I get headaches occasionally. I'll keep an eye on that.

    I also have been experiencing what you are describing with energy levels. When I'm doing something, I'm able to focus and do it, whereas I used to be completely overwhelmed and anxious, and do nothing, which would send me into a depression. When I'm not doing anything, I'm listless. I went to my therapists yesterday, and I was so tired that I couldn't even talk for the last 10 minutes of the session. Afterward, she set me up in an empty room next door to take a nap. I slept for an hour. My point is, I can focus when I'm doing something, and when I'm not, I'm pretty much useless.

    It's weird that it already seems to be working. I have a very sensitive constitution. In my college days, they called me Terri the One Hit Wonder. How long did it take for the meds to work for you?

  2. This is in response to Terri: "Did anyone notice lessened anxiety within a few days of taking it? I'm noticing it, but I'm not sure if I'm imagining it."
    If anything, my anxiety got worse and I had a few panick attacks that would start but would go away quickly. The anxiey has lessened somewhat now, but I've been on Lexapro for 2.5 weeks. I would say that anxiety is going away for now. Remember, it takes about 4-6 weeks for the drug to be fully in your system. I still get the dizzies sometimes though. Waiting for that to stop.....

  3. I am glad your doing this blog i just started this pill, I am with a new insurance and new Dr. I was taken off the prozac. My life is alot like yours.

  4. Terri, weird and uncomfortable is how I describe my first couple days. My anxiety did drop after the first week.

    My energy is bad, but its getting easier to focus and with that better focus has come more energy.

    DannyDean and Hope: How did prozac go for you? People tell me that Lexapro is like a third generation SSRI, so there are less side effects than prozac, but this is my first experience in SSRIs. My Doctor said if in 8 weeks, lexapro isnt working for me, I would probably need to try something else.
