Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I have caught up with my dates, so all future post will be current

For anyone reading this, the previous 9 days were posted by the day they occurred. For example Wed 18, 2009 postings occurred on Wed 18, 2009.   

I have now caught up with my dates and all the following records will reflect the previous night and current day, and I will write my post before I go to bed. I am sure it can be confusing when sometimes I am using words like today, yesterday, etc and I get lost with the days.  So now I will post things reflecting from when I go to bed, throughout the night, and the following day.  So any problems I have at night will be reflected accurately. 

Thanks and I hope my poor writing isn't too confusing. 


  1. hey David,

    Thanks for these updates..i just started lex today and look foward to hearing more from you

    cheers! and good luck


  2. let me tell you my experience with lexapro...i took it for 3 months.....it has now been 4 months since stopping....there were many many hellish side effects but one side effect has persisted-even after stopping and continuing to this day...its called tardive dyskinesia, and it is a movement disorder of the jaw and tongue...ask yourself if you are willing to experiment with a drug that could leave you with a movement disorder 4 months after stopping...nobody warned me of this risk...not the tv advertisements, not my psychiatrist, not anybody...i mind as well tell you since you're doctor probably won't either...

  3. I am sorry to hear about your condition. I found this online when I looked up what you mentioned : http://www.tardive-dyskinesia-lawyer.com/. Might be worth looking into.

    I know there may be awful side effects about tempering off this medication, but that is why I am also going to a therapist so I hopefully do not need to take lexapro for a prolonged amount of time. Lexapro is my short term solution while cognitive therapy is my long term solution

  4. Hi David,

    I started taking Lexapro about 2 months ago. About a year and a half ago while still in college I started experiencing similar symptoms to what you had (decreased tolerance to alcohol, coffee, no motivation, lack of concentration, fatigue, depression, etc. ) Eventually this grew into headaches and I got treatment for that thinking that was the underlying condition. I barely made it through school and am now part-time employed and living at my parents house (sucks). I started taking Lexapro and many of the symptoms slowly abated although some are still there and I still have anxiety fits from time to time. I'm taking 20 mg, which is supposedly the max dose and hoping it evens out. I don't really have any side-effects anymore, but I guess I didn't really have too many to begin with, which is good. Other things that help me are: meditation, having a regular schedule, keeping a positive attitude, and trusting my therapist. I'm also gonna give yoga a shot. I'm interested in hearing about your progress. The first few weeks are hard, so hang in there!


  5. Thank you very much Sid for sharing your experience. No one I have talked to has experienced the decreased tolarance to alcohol and coffee that you and I have, so it always makes me wonder if I have another issue behind my depression. Did you ever regain this tolerance? Did you ever drink alcohol / coffee again? I first noticed this with beer, and was going to experiment with liquor but decided to just stop altogether until I felt better. Was it a particular form of alcohol that was worth than others?

    Thanks ahead of time
