Thursday, February 26, 2009

Day 11

Once I feel asleep I slept straight through until my alarm went off. I wanted to sleep in an extra hour, but once I was up, I couldn't fall back to sleep. I had a smaller breakfast (oatmeal and a banana) and took my 10 mg.

I worked from home today (no one goes in on Thursdays at my office). For the second day, I was not too productive but I did have energy. Once I did focus on work, I was able to get some stuff done in a short amount of time.

I have been feeling better everyday but I hope it isn't a placebo effect.

I noticed this a little last night before I went to bed, but I have had a drier mouth. I already drink a large amount of water, but my mouth is drier. This seems to be worse in the evenings and after I brush my teeth.

I am being put on a new project at work starting on Monday. I am not anxious...yet.


  1. Hey david! just found your post on web md. I started Lexapro around the same time as you. I have been on it for about 10 days. I've experienced the dry mouth and headaches right away and still deal with those symptoms. I've also lost 9 pounds since being on this drug. I have no appetite. My depression and anxiety are worse. I'm a 22 year old doctor said he has'nt had any problems with this drug in adults. I'm going to try and stick it out for a month. I've enjoyed reading your experience..I'm glad your doing this. I hope it works for you. I've had night sweats too,as well as not wanting to get up in the morning...I've noticed as of day 10 that I'm really tired. I take 10mg at night. thanks for your posts...good luck with your project and everything.

  2. Thank you for taking the time to read and share. My female friend who started it about a year ago said her anxiety got ten times worse during the first week or two before it got better. Good luck, I hope things get better.
