Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Day 9

It was very hard getting out of bed today. I ignored my alarm and did not realize it. Luckily I was at my parents, so my mother woke me up since she was leaving for work. However, this caused a very weird experience.  When my mother woke me up, I was very very confused. I had difficulty sleeping and mentioned before that I would be confused when waking up in the middle of the night, but this was different.  It took me awhile to adjust and realize where I was.  My Mother kept telling me, "its ok, its ok, you are at our house..." I finally snapped out of it and just felt really tired, but it was very weird.  It was like waking up standing up, I do not know how else to describe it.  Like when you get your wisdom teeth pulled, and the medicine used to knock you out is wearing off.  It was like that.  This tired feeling disappeared within 30 minutes and I decided to work from my parents house.

This is the first day of taking the full ten mgs in the morning with breakfast.  (I am not longer going to list what I have eaten because I haven't had problems mixing any food with this drug other than caffeine and alcohol).

My energy is still fluctuating up and down.  The ups are a little higher and I feel slightly more productive but my downs can really cause a crash.  The fatigue is no worse than before, but then I do not know what could be lower.  

I have noticed a slight decrease in appetite.  I am eating less often and less portions.  Nothing I am worried about, but something I thought I should share.  

This evening, I had a real rush of energy. I ate dinner around 7 pmish and  I re organized my entire room, which took several hours.  

I started having a headache around 10 PM. It started really hurting, so I took a Motrin IB (Ibuprofen), and tried going to bed. 

To make the rest of my posts time accurate, I am going to stop here and continue with my next day posts. 

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